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Best way to request new content

I've been taking the JavaScript and jQuery courses and I have been really impressed with the content. However, there are some things I would like to see in the treehouse library with JavaScript such as parallax scrolling and other scrolling effects possible with the language. It would really be nice to see a demo on these.

What is the best way to contact a teacher to request these courses? I know that team treehouse adds new courses based on what members want. I'm just not entirely sure where to start.

1 Answer

Philip Cox
Philip Cox
14,818 Points

Hi Tyler.

I posted a comment in the forum, kind of like this but about Laravel, the PHP framework. I would love to see as many courses on Laravel as there is Rails. I got a few +1's. Also, Hampton, the guy that teaches the first Laravel course Treehouse has to offers +1'ed it and posted a comment. Hopefully this will be seen by the team.

As for direct contact, I'm not too sure, sorry.

James Barnett
James Barnett
39,199 Points

As for direct contact, I'm not too sure, sorry.

Well you can email the Treehouse staff at help@teamtreehouse.com