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Android Build a Simple Android App (2014) Creating the Screen Layout Adding a Button

Alexander Schott
Alexander Schott
8,318 Points

Button Text all Uppercase-Letters

How can I fix the setting, that my Button text is not written in all upper-letter-characters? My text is "Show Another Fun Fact", but it displays it like "SHOW ANOTHER FUN FACT".

5 Answers

This could be an SDK version thing.

API 21 comes with a textAllCaps property which you need make false. That might solve the problem.

Let me know if that works or if you can find it! (I'll have a go now ...)

Alexander Schott
Alexander Schott
8,318 Points

Thank you for the allCaps keyword. I have found a similar question on Stack Overflow. I have added android:textAllCaps="false" to my Button Code and it works.

Never mind! The textAllCaps="false" thing worked for me.

I have the same problem, but I'm using API 14(Ice Cream Sandwich) for making, and testing. Any ideas?

That's odd! Have you looked through all the Text properties to see if there's some setting that's causing this?