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General Discussion

Ethan Hernandez
Ethan Hernandez
Python Development Techdegree Student 1,140 Points

Can I complete a track that has nothing to do with the techdegree I am currently enrolled in?

I would like to start a different track which has nothing to do with the current techdegree tracks I am enrolled in. I also want the points and completion badges that normally come along with completing these different track. Is this possible while being enrolled in a techdegree?


1 Answer

Steven Parker
Steven Parker
230,038 Points

You should probably contact Support if you need a definitive answer, but my understanding is that your subscription gives you access to all courses and tracks included in the other subscription types. Just be aware that the points and badges are just for personal motivational and progress tracking use, and have no associated certificates as you might get from techdegree programs.