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Python Object-Oriented Python Instant Objects Your first class

Challenge doesn't pass

Hello all,

My answer doesn't pass even though this works on my console. Since the code is really simple: what am I doing wrong here?



class Student:
    name = "Joe"

me = Student()

print (me.name)

I also tried it by adding a function:

class Student:
    name = "Joe"

    def name_method(self):
        return self.name

me = Student()

print (me.name_method())

3 Answers

Ari Misha
Ari Misha
19,323 Points

Hiya Lennert! You code is right on point , i put your code in the editor and i reduced that tab between your print and parenthesis and it worked. Try this out:

class Student:
    name = "Joe"

me = Student()

Chris Evergreen
Chris Evergreen
2,857 Points

Hi there!

Let's stick with the first version. The print function is actually print(), not print (). The space is not necessary. Otherwise, everything else in your code is more or less correct.

Best of luck!

Thanks, that helped! Got away with the space until now.... ;-)

Chris Evergreen
Chris Evergreen
2,857 Points

Well, looks like the Python Police got you good this time XD