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JavaScript JavaScript Basics (Retired) Making Decisions with Conditional Statements Using Comparison Operators

Raymond Osier
Raymond Osier
16,581 Points

Challenge is not working

This is my code I know it works I get the alert box with the else statement and i have tested it in several ides along with google dev tools Why wont work spaces let me complete this challenge

var a = 10;
var b = 20;
var c = 30;
if (a>b){
 alert('a is greater then b');
  alert('a is Not greater then b');
  <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
  <title>JavaScript Basics</title>
<script src="script.js"></script>

4 Answers

replace 'then' with 'than' !

Steven Treadway
Steven Treadway
10,037 Points

Hello Raymond, All you have to do is change "then" to "than" and it will work. Workspaces are picky. Good luck!

Raymond Osier
Raymond Osier
16,581 Points

are you kidding me lol thank you very much

would have acted like that hhh . You welcome Raymond Osier

Raymond Osier
Raymond Osier
16,581 Points

It worked sorry it wont let me click on best answer for both of you Steven Treadway and Ayoub AIT IKEN