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Python Python Basics (Retired) Putting the "Fun" Back in "Function" Functions

challenge task 2 of 2

I did not understand this challenge need some help really appreciate it.

Matthew Rigdon
Matthew Rigdon
8,223 Points

More specific please. What don't you understand?

2 Answers

Chris Freeman
Chris Freeman
Treehouse Moderator 68,423 Points

Challenge Task 2 of 2 asks

Now, make a function named summarize that also takes a list. It should return the string "The sum of X is Y.", replacing "X" with the string version of the list and "Y" with the sum total of the list.

# Now, make a function named `summarize` that also takes a list.
def summarize(lst):
    # `"X"` with the string version of the list
    X = str(lst)
    # `"Y"` with the sum total of the list.
    # use the `add_list` function from Task 1
    Y = add_list(lst)
    # It should `return` the string `"The sum of X is Y."`, replacing `"X"` 
    # with the string version of the list and `"Y"` with the sum total of the list.
    return "The sum of {X} is {Y}.".format(X=X, Y=Y)

This can be simplified to be:

# Now, make a function named `summarize` that also takes a list.
def summarize(lst):
    # It should `return` the string `"The sum of X is Y."`, replacing `"X"` 
    # with the string version of the list and `"Y"` with the sum total of the list.
    return "The sum of {X} is {Y}.".format(X=lst, Y=add_list(lst))

or using the default format notation, the return can written as:

return 'The sum of {} is {}.'.format(lst, add_list(lst))

Thanks Chris