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CSS Sass Basics Write Smart and Efficient CSS with Sass Functions Review

converting pixels to em

hello, everyone! In this last Quiz example from Sass Basics - Funtions I don't unsderstand this function:

@function get-em($px, $base-font: 16px) { @return ($px / $base-font) * 1em; }

In this function I would just write : @return ($px / $base-font);

Where the result is: 4.5em

But I don't Understand why in this exemple you write again * 1em at the end ? Like in the function example: @return ($px / $base-font) * 1em;

1 Answer

Jonathan Grieve
Jonathan Grieve
Treehouse Moderator 91,253 Points

Because you want to return an em value. If you didn't include the multiplier your function would return a px


@return ($px / $base-font) * 1em;

Is what does the conversion

but the function call passes in the value i.e. $px that provides the number to convert.

so in SASS no matter what mathematical calculation i made, I always have to enter at the end the multiply plus the Unit as I will convert it... right? For example:

@function get-em($px, $base-font: 16px) {

        @return ($px / $base-font) * 1em; //or

        @return ($px / $base-font) * 1rem; //or

        @return ($px / $base-font) * 100%; 
