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Cyberduck or FileZilla?

I already have Cyberduck downloaded, can I used Cyberduck or should I download FileZilla?

4 Answers


You can use either one, they're both FTP clients. I find Cyberduck more user-friendly, but that's only personal preference. Either one will work fine for you. Try both!

Kevin Kenger
Kevin Kenger
32,834 Points

Personally, I think it's just preference. There are speed differences between all of the FTP clients, especially when dealing with multiple file transfers, but ultimately if you like one, go with it. I use Cyberduck as well and I think it's great. It's small and simple. Filezilla is pretty powerful, but I think its interface is gross.

James Barnett
James Barnett
39,199 Points

For historical reasons Mac users are more likely to already have Cyberduck installed and Windows users are more likely to have Filezilla installed.

Historically Cyberduck was Mac only and Filezilla was Windows only, a few years ago both applications expanded their offerings so now they both work on both platforms.

I do all on XAMPP because then, it is useful for Treehouse PHP course.