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CSS CSS Basics (2014) The Box Model Padding, Borders, and Margins

Don't see how this could be wrong unless I take away the word div and its still wrong.

I am stuck here I am targeting exactly what it is asking me to do..

/* Complete the challenge by writing CSS below */
.primary-content div: {
padding-top: 25px;
padding-bottom: 95px;
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Lake Tahoe</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="page.css">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">
        <div class="primary-content t-border">
            <p class="intro">
                Lake Tahoe is one of the most breathtaking attractions located in California. It's home to a number of ski resorts, summer outdoor recreation, and tourist attractions. Snow and skiing are a significant part of the area's reputation.
            <a href="#more">Find out more</a>

      <div class="wildlife">
        <h2>Check out all the Wildlife</h2>
          As spawning season approaches, the fish acquire a humpback and protuberant jaw. After spawning, they die and their carcasses provide a feast for gatherings of <a href="#mink">mink</a>, <a href="#bears">bears</a>, and <a href="#eagles">bald eagles</a>.

            <a href="#wildlife">See the Wildlife</a>
        </div><!-- End .primary-content -->

        <div class="secondary-content t-border"> 
        <h3>From Tents to Resorts</h3>
          Lake Tahoe is full of wonderful places to stay. You have the ability to sleep in the outdoors in a tent, or relax like a king at a five star resort. Here are our top three resorts:
          <li><a href="#hotels">Lake Tahoe Resort Hotel</a></li>
          <li><a href="#resorts">South Lake Tahoe Resorts</a></li>
          <li><a href="#lodging">Tahoe Ski Resort Lodging</a></li>
        <h3>Pack Accordingly</h3>
          One of most important things when it comes to traveling through the great outdoors is packing accordingly. Here are a few tips:
          <li>Bring layers of clothing</li>
          <li>Pack sunscreen</li>
          <li>Carry extra water just in case</li>
          <li>Pack light</li>
        </div><!-- End .secondary-content -->

        <footer class="main-footer">
            <p>All rights reserved to the state of <a href="#">California</a>.</p>
            <a href="#top">Back to top &raquo;</a>

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