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Piotr Manczak
.a{fill-rule:evenodd;}techdegree seal-36
Piotr Manczak
Front End Web Development Techdegree Graduate 29,086 Points


Wouldn't it be easier to do: const extra = document.querySelector(".extra"); extra.remove();

This way, selected node would be removed from the DOM without engaging parent element, as opposed to parent.removeChild(child) method. It worked in my solution. Have I used it somehow incorrectly?

2 Answers

Travis Alstrand
.a{fill-rule:evenodd;}techdegree seal-36
Travis Alstrand
Data Analysis Techdegree Graduate 47,831 Points

Your code is totally valid! Nice find!

I'm not sure what course you're in, is it navigating the DOM? If so, then they probably went this route to show a way of doing so with DOM traversal.