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Python Python Basics (Retired) Ins & Outs Ins & Outs

fix the shitcode please)

The task is to create a variable named name with your name in it.

name = input("name")
if name == "roman":

2 Answers

Ryan Ruscett
Ryan Ruscett
23,309 Points


Well, I mean lol

name = input("name"

That is actually asking for command line input. It will prompt you for name and you enter it. Whatever you enter will be saved as name.

To declare a variable named "name". You just do it like this.

name = "Ryan"

That's it. There is no need to print it. That will get you passed step 1. Step 2 says create a variable treehouse and combine two strings. Witch there are really two ways to do this.

one = "Tree"
two -="house"

Treehouse = one + two

#Or use string literals

Treehouse = "Tree" + "house"

Let me know if that helps you out or if you have other questions. I would be happy to answer them for you.

Change print("{}.format(name)) to print("{}.format(name)")