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Python Python Basics (2015) Python Data Types String Formatting

Getting format question wrong but I am doing it right

I tested it on the shell and it formatted it correctly but it doesn't work for the code editor.

name = "Mikey"
subject = "Treehouse loves {}"

1 Answer

Steven Parker
Steven Parker
229,921 Points

This code may not be quite as "right" as you think.

The instructions say: OK, now use .format() on the string "Treehouse loves {}" to put your name into the placeholder. Assign this to the variable subject (so start with subject =).

You have an assignment of "subject", but not where you apply the "format" method. And when you do apply the format method you don't save the result anywhere.

Re-arrange these bits as a single coherent statement and you should pass.

Thank you this worked.