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Hi, could you tell me how to access my "work space"? I have a Windows 8 laptop. Thank you Sunny

Hi TreeHouse, I started HTML beginners today and would like to get into my "work space" on my laptop to get to work, the screen to write code in. I know I can practice / learn the code on Word or Notepad but I need to know how to get to that screen. Could you tell me how to access it on a Windows 8 laptop? Thank you Sunny

1 Answer

Hi Sunny,

You can always get to any workspaces you create through the Workspaces page. On the left hand site of this site, the 5th icon down that has <> inside of it is the link to the Workspaces page. On this page, you can create new workspaces or access old ones. Once you click the Workspace, it will automatically open in a new window and from there you can access any files you created or any that are already loaded from a course.

Additionally, as you go through most courses, you will see a "Launch Workspace" button on the bottom right hand corner of the video container. If you don't see that button, you can just use the Workspaces page to launch a workspace.

And one more thing, you should definitely avoid using Word as an editor for your code. You want to use either a development IDE or a plain text editor like Notepad to do any programming in. The reason why is that editors like Word tend to use special characters for certain punctuation marks such as double quotes which will cause confusion to a browser and to this site.

Good luck, Sunny!

Hi Marcus, Thank you very much for your comprehensive answer. I have saved it for future reference. Best, Sunny

You are very welcome, Sunny, and happy coding! :)