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JavaScript JavaScript Basics (Retired) Introducing JavaScript Write Another Program

Herman Chenwi
Herman Chenwi
Courses Plus Student 280 Points

How do I add the opening and closing script tags <script></script>...? THIS IS SOLVED NOW. Thanks

I am working on the Javascript Basics subject on here But I can't seem to shake off the error message about adding a closing and opening script tags. Maybe I am putting it in the wrong location but can someone help me? Also when I tried to run the code without the script tags everything looked fine.

  <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
  <title>JavaScript Basics</title>
  <h1> JavaScript Basics</h1>

Hello this page belongs to Herman Chenwi. Welcome!


3 Answers

.a{fill-rule:evenodd;}techdegree seal-36
Front End Web Development Techdegree Graduate 56,488 Points

Hi Herman!

The problem is that you have your closing script-tag outside of the closing body-tag, and the opening one before the head-tag.

They should preferable be together, like this:


And if you then have a script you want to write you can then write it inside of these tags, as the browser has been told that there's a script here. You could also link to a .js file by giving the opening script tag the attribute src="nameofthefile.js". Do you get it or did i confuse you even more?

You could place these script tags in the head of the document, or in the bottom of the body so that all earlier elements load before the script runs.

Herman Chenwi
Herman Chenwi
Courses Plus Student 280 Points

I did thanks. As soon as submitted my query I found the answer I guess I should figure out a way to take it down. Thanks Jonas!

.a{fill-rule:evenodd;}techdegree seal-36
Front End Web Development Techdegree Graduate 56,488 Points

Glad you found a solution. Don't worry about taking it down, this way if someone else experience this problem they can find the solution here instead of having to ask themselves.