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iOS Swift Collections and Control Flow Control Flow With Conditional Statements Working With Logical Operators

How do I use the If statement to find both the odd numbers and multiples of 7, then append value to array named results?

How do I use the If statement inside a for loop to find both the odd numbers and multiples of 7 in an array named results? Then append value to the results array.

var results: [Int] = []

for n in 1...100 {
    // Enter your code below
   If n % 2 != 0 && n % 7 == 0 {
    // End code 

1 Answer

Chris Stromberg
Chris Stromberg
Courses Plus Student 13,389 Points

Your going to kick your self on this one!

If should be if.

I posted this discussion again without checking the old discussion. Thought I needed to rephrase somethings to get an answer. Thanks again :)