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Java Java Basics Using your New Tools Multiple Format Strings

Melody P
Melody P
801 Points

How do you output multiple variables?

Am I understanding the question wrong for this task? I didn't learn this in the course yet but I assume the challenge just wants you to learn by some trial and error method but I'm stumped.

// I've imported java.io.Console for you.  It is stored in a variable called console for you.
String name = console.readLine("What is your name?  ");
String pastTenseVerb = console.readLine("I can't think of a question in past tense?  ");
console.printf("%s really %s this coding exercise", firstName, pastTenseVerb);

2 Answers

28,558 Points

Your code is logically correct, you just have a typo. You store the first name is a variable called "name" but then use the word "firstName" when trying to print it out in the printf statement, since "firstName" is not actually a variable your code crashes. Fix that variable name and your code will run fine.

Melody P
Melody P
801 Points

Thank you so much!

Brendan Whiting
.a{fill-rule:evenodd;}techdegree seal-36
Brendan Whiting
Front End Web Development Techdegree Graduate 84,735 Points

You're doing it right, you're just trying to put in a variable firstName when your name variable is just called name. You can click on the Preview button to see the details of the compiler error.

JavaTester.java:118: error: cannot find symbol
console.printf("%s really %s this coding exercise", firstName, pastTenseVerb);
  symbol:   variable firstName
  location: class JavaTester
1 error