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PHP CRUD Operations with PHP Creating Records Reading Project Data

Anas Idris
Anas Idris
2,920 Points

how does using the return keyword directly on the $db object work?

the $db->query() return PDO::Statement object on success so how is it possible that we could use the returned object in foreach loop as an array? and when I var dumbed get_project_list(), the result was: object(PDOStatement)#2 (1) { ["queryString"]=> string(48) "SELECT project_id, title, category FROM projects" } and not an array containing the items in the projects table!

1 Answer

I was baffled when I also saw this. Apparently foreach() iterates over arrays AND objects. Following quotes from php.net

The foreach construct provides an easy way to iterate over arrays. foreach works only on arrays and objects[...]

It is possible to customize object iteration.

At this stage I can't fully explain why that is, but at least the documentations assures me this is not black magic


Andrew Dickens
Andrew Dickens
18,352 Points

That sort of blows my mind that you can foreach an object.. thanks for finding that out, has saved me a lot of trouble