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Python Python Basics Types and Branching Comparing values

Brahian Maidana
Brahian Maidana
199 Points

How is python greater than chocolate? what am I looking for

"python" > "chocolate" Ture how?

1 Answer

Chris Freeman
Chris Freeman
Treehouse Moderator 68,423 Points

Hey Brahian Maidana, good question.

As all things in computers, the underlying objects are stored as binary values. Strings are stored as the ASCII or UNICODE encoded values. When comparing strings, these values are compared character by character.

>>> ord("p")
# 112 is 0x70 ASCII value for β€œp”

>>> ord("c")
# 99 is 0x63ASCII value for β€œc”

>>> ord("p") > ord("c")

Post back if you need more help. Good luck!!!