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Python Functional Python Functional Workhorses Map Comprehension

Benjamin Cha
Benjamin Cha
2,509 Points

How to import this?

I need help importing this, because something's not quite right with this program/work I did.

Does anybody have an answer?

dimensions = [
    (5, 5),
    (10, 10),
    (2.2, 2.3),
    (100, 100),
    (8, 70),

def calculate_area(length, width):
    return length * width

# Calculate the area for each item using a list comprehension
areas = [calculate_area(length, width) for length, width in dimensions]

1 Answer

Rohald van Merode
.a{fill-rule:evenodd;}techdegree seal-36
Rohald van Merode
Treehouse Staff

Hey Benjamin Cha πŸ‘‹

You'll want to have a close look at what is being asked in the challenge. Currently you've created a function named calculate_area() which takes in two arguments (length and width). The challenge however asks for a function named area() with a single argument, that single argument is a two-member tuple like the tuples in the dimensions list, for example (5, 5).

This could look something like this:

def area(dimensions):
    return dimensions[0] * dimensions[1]

Hope this clears things up and helps to get you going again πŸ˜„