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C# C# Objects Inheritance Inheritance

Allan Storgaard
Allan Storgaard
5,242 Points

How to inherit from Polygon class using the "base" keyword. What is the solution to the test?

Can not see where my bummer is

namespace Treehouse.CodeChallenges
    class Polygon
        public readonly int NumSides;

        public Polygon(int numSides)
            NumSides = numSides;
  class Square:Polygon
    public readonly int SideLength; 
    public Square(int sideLength):base(4)
    {SideLength = sideLength;}

1 Answer

anil rahman
anil rahman
7,786 Points

The checks on this quiz are space sensitive on the colons so you need to put space before and after the colons

namespace Treehouse.CodeChallenges
    class Polygon
        public readonly int NumSides;

        public Polygon(int numSides)
            NumSides = numSides;

  class Square : Polygon
    public readonly int SideLength; 
    public Square(int sideLength) : base(4)
    {SideLength = sideLength;}
Allan Storgaard
Allan Storgaard
5,242 Points

Thank you Anil - you are good.

Allan Storgaard
Allan Storgaard
5,242 Points

Thank you Anil - you are good.