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General Discussion

Ali Abbasi
Ali Abbasi
Courses Plus Student 308 Points

How to open index.html file in chrome on a PC?


I'm currently in Stage 2 of Web Design, Text Editors and HTML and I am following along with the video. I have downloaded Sublime Text, opened it, saved the file as index.html as instructed in the video.

But I'm lost as at 01:52 in the video when he says "We'll go ahead and open up our index.html file. I'm going to open our finder window here, and I'll simply drag this onto Google Chrome to go ahead and open it."

I am using a PC and am unable to figure out how to go about this. I'm not very tech savvy, i know it must be something ridiculously simple to do because even a Google search yielded no useful info on this dilemma. So I beg of you, please HELP ME!

I have tried dragging from my desktop and taskbar to no avail.

Feel free to break it down to me as if I'm a 5 year old, I won't mind, I'll APPRECIATE IT!

Thank you in advance!

6 Answers

Jeremy Stenseth
Jeremy Stenseth
16,916 Points

Make sure you have chrome installed. Right click on the index.html file you want to open, choose open with (which will give you a list of programs), choose chrome. There are ways to set defaults when opening files but that depends on personal preference.

James Barnett
James Barnett
39,199 Points

It's important to note that Chrome isn't required here. You can use Safari, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11 (on Windows 7 & 8) as well.

Ali Abbasi
Ali Abbasi
Courses Plus Student 308 Points

Oh my God, how silly of me! Thank you so much for your time! I appreciate it good sir!

Jeremy Stenseth
Jeremy Stenseth
16,916 Points

No worries I'm happy to help!

Another way is to open whatever Chrome tab you want to use and hit CTRL-O to browse for the file that you want to open.

Ali Abbasi
Ali Abbasi
Courses Plus Student 308 Points

Thanks Jeremy, Thanks James and thanks Rodger! I appreciate it! Man, I gotta say, I'm digging this community. Making me feel good about joining Treehouse! Operation:Get out of Momma's Basement is in full swing! Thank you! :0)

Alex Hedley
Alex Hedley
16,381 Points

Files normally have an associated program they open with so just double click on it and it should open.

It would usually have the icon of that program to tell you which one.