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HTML How to Make a Website Adding Pages to a Website Add a New Page


Why is on the preview link for my website. There is no "index" word on it, for example: should be ------ > http://web.xz0ebq6u4w.treehouse-app.com/index.html....... it only show http://web.xz0ebq6u4w.treehouse-app.com/

so, when i created a new file for about or contact, become an error.

3 Answers

i can acess your about.html when i use lowercase but not when using a uppercase for A. i can access about.html but not About.html. quite strange... can not access your Contact.html page. the server often use a default page if no filename is uesd. a default page can be index.html, index.php or someting else depending on server settings.

Aldo Merino
Aldo Merino
6,066 Points

Strange, are u sure u have the document named "index" and its on the root folder?

it is normal for that mine does that to. If you do something like a back button linked to "index.html" and then click on it it will show "http://web.xz0ebq6u4w.treehouse-app.com/index.html"