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iOS Swift 2.0 Collections and Control Flow Control Flow With Loops For In Loops

I am need help with adding the multiplier to the array of results and appending it.

I am not quiet sure what the next steps are from here. What I have to append the multiples of 1...10 and 6 and append them into the value of Results.

// Enter your code below
for multiplier in 1...10{
  print("\(multiplier) times 6 is equal to \(multiplier * 6)")}
var results: [Int] = []

1 Answer

Jennifer Nordell
Jennifer Nordell
Treehouse Teacher

Well, to begin with you're printing the multipler, and you want to put your answer in the array. But your array is also declared in the incorrect place. Your array needs to be in place before you start appending things to it. Take a look at my code. Hope this helps!

// Enter your code below
var results: [Int] = []

for multiplier in 1...10 {
  results.append(multiplier * 6)