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HTML How to Make a Website Adding Pages to a Website Add Iconography

I can't make my ul list style work

I put everything properly as in video. but my ul's dots are still visible https://w.trhou.se/n0ijia8wda

3 Answers

Jennifer Nordell
Jennifer Nordell
Treehouse Teacher

If I select the list items inside the contact-info it removes the bullets. Take a look:

.contact-info {
  list-style: none;

.contact-info li {
    list-style: none;

Make sure to save and refresh the page, of course!

Hmm. I see. But in video it did not tell us to do that way.

Lean Rasmussen
Lean Rasmussen
11,060 Points

This is because the dots you see on the webpage are connected to the <li> element, and not the <ul> element. see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/li