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Java Java Objects (Retired) Creating the MVP Comparing Characters

I don't Know how to to this thing :(

How can i complete this challenge? the introduction to the challenge is :

"I have modeled an assistant for a tech conference. Since there are so many attendees, registration is broken up into two lines. Lines are determined by last name, and they will end up in line 1 or line 2. Please help me fix the getLineFor method."

NEW INFO: chars can be compared using the > and < symbols. For instance 'B' > 'A' and 'R' < 'Z'

public class ConferenceRegistrationAssistant {

  public int getLineFor(String lastName) {
    /* If the last name is between A thru M send them to line 1
       Otherwise send them to line 2 */
    int line = 0;
    return line;


2 Answers

Christopher Augg
Christopher Augg
21,223 Points


Letters are in ASCII and are associated with a number. You can look at an ASCII table here:


Notice that the letter 'A' is a decimal: 65, and 'M' is a decimal: 77

Therefore, we can compare characters as if they are numbers.

       if ('A' < 'M') {
           //do something
       } else {
           //do something else

Is the same as saying:

      if(65 < 77) {
        //do something
      } else {
        //do something else

Therefore, what you want to do is get the first character of the name being passed in to the method. Then see if it is less than 'M'. If it is, assign 1 to line. If it is not (else), assign 2 to line.

I hope this helps.



If the first character of the lastName is less than or equal to 'M' then line is equal to 1; else line is equal to 2; Hope that helps!