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iOS Swift 2.0 Collections and Control Flow Control Flow With Loops For In Loops

John Drexler
John Drexler
4,806 Points

I don't understand how to append the product from my loop into the results array.

I have a product, and don't know how to append it

// Enter your code below
var results: [Int] = []

for multiplier in 1...10 {

2 Answers

Tobias Helmrich
Tobias Helmrich
31,602 Points

Hey John,

good job until here! To append your product to the results array you can use the append method on the results array and give it the multiplication as an argument.

Like so:

// Enter your code below
var results: [Int] = []

for multiplier in 1...10 {
  results.append(6 * multiplier)

I hope that helps! :)

According to WeHeartSwift, you should use the .append() method to access your array from inside the for loop. Here's the code:

var results: [Int] = []

for multiplier in 1...10 {
  results.append(6 * multiplier);