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Python Functions, Packing, and Unpacking Getting Info In and Out of Functions Functions with Arguments and Returns

Devan Laton
Devan Laton
564 Points

I need help understanding this.

I'm not sure what i need to do to fix this but i really want to be able to understand it better. I'll go back and try to figure it out on my own though. Also did hints get removed from these? i haven't been able to use hints for a month or two now.

def hello_student(name):
    return ("Hello" (name))

1 Answer

Steven Parker
Steven Parker
230,038 Points

You're on the right track, but:

  • a formatted string template needs the f designation in front of it
  • any interpolation tokens need to be inside the string
  • interpolation tokens need to be surrounded by braces () instead of parentheses
def hello_student(name):
    return f"Hello {name}"