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JavaScript JavaScript Basics Making Decisions in Your Code with Conditional Statements Multiple Conditions and JavaScript Comments Review

I thought there was more than one way to a valid coment in javaScript, but the quiz in question is showing just one

The link to the quiz: https://teamtreehouse.com/library/javascript-basics/making-decisions-in-your-code-with-conditional-statements/multiple-conditions-and-javascript-comments-review

I thought that the both senteces above was a valid coment in javascript

#  This is a comment

/* This s a comment */

But the quiz just gave me one answer

// This is a comment

1 Answer

Steven Parker
Steven Parker
230,038 Points

A pound sign does not begin a valid comment in JavaScript (it does in some other languages, though).

But there are two correct comments in the quiz, and you must select them both to get a correct score. One correct answer is the single line comment that begins with // (as you show). The other one is a multi-line comment that uses the /* and */ tokens, but on separate lines.

Thanks Steven Parker