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JavaScript Treehouse Club - MASH MASH - HTML Forms, Divs, and Inputs

scott diallo
scott diallo
2,632 Points

I tried this couple time now I need you guys help

I've done what I thought is right but I guess something is missing, I know its minor but I can seem to see the bug.

  <h1>First Day of School</h1>


      <div class="favorite_stuff">
      <h4>Favorite Foods?</h4>
      <input name="food[]">
      <input name="food[]">
      <input name="food[]">
      <input name="food[]">

      <div class="favorite_stuff">
      <h4>Favorite Animals?</h4>
      <input name="animal[]">
      <input name="animal[]">
      <input name="animal[]">
      <input name="animal[]">



2 Answers

You are opening a new <div> tag in your code. That is not necessary as the elements are already enclosed in div elements.

<div class="favorite_stuff">
      <h4>Favorite Foods?</h4>
      <input name="food[]">
      <input name="food[]">
      <input name="food[]">
      <input name="food[]">

<div class="favorite_stuff">
      <h4>Favorite Animals?</h4>
      <input name="animal[]">
      <input name="animal[]">
      <input name="animal[]">
      <input name="animal[]">