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JavaScript JavaScript Basics (Retired) Introducing JavaScript Write Another Program

Calvin Secrest
Calvin Secrest
24,815 Points

Inside the script tags, write a function that will open an alert dialog with the message 'Warning!'

I cant find out if my script is set up properly?

  <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
  <title>JavaScript Basics</title>
<script src="scripts.js">

7 Answers

Mikkel Rasmussen
Mikkel Rasmussen
31,772 Points
Mikkel Rasmussen
Mikkel Rasmussen
31,772 Points

You don't need to make src to a javascript file.

Calvin Secrest
Calvin Secrest
24,815 Points

The code text in index.html mention is I put it that way then task 1 is wrong and no longer passing. Where inside the code text does this script is place?


<script> alert("Warning!"); </script>

Learning coding
Learning coding
Front End Web Development Techdegree Student 9,937 Points

After writing this code the folowwing happens:

  • A grey box (message) appears with text in it: An embedded page on preview.treehouse-challenges.com report the following: Warning!

  • When I click on ok in the the textbox mentioned above it says that task one doesn't pass.

What is happening here and how can I pass the task?

The script is correct, you just need to remove the semicolon at the end. Hence: alert("Warning!");

Change to: alert("Warning!")

August Oliver
August Oliver
5,933 Points

<body> <script> alert("Warning!"); </script> </body>

<script> alert("Warning!"); </script>