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iOS Build a Simple iPhone App with Swift 2.0 Getting Started with iOS Development Swift Recap Part 1

7,137 Points

Its working in Xcode playground, but here it isn't.

Error: Make sure the implementation of description is according to the direction. Use String Interpolation!

struct Tag {
    let name: String
struct Post{
    let title: String
    let author: String
    let tag: Tag

    func description() -> String{
        return "\(title) by \(author). Filed under \(tag)"
let hey = Tag(name: "Maheep")
let firstPost = Post(title: "Nothing", author: "Unknown", tag: hey)
let postDescription = firstPost.description()

1 Answer

Two issues. First, remember that the editor is very picky. If it says "iOSDevelopment" it means it. Second, you need (tag.name) rather than (tag) in the function:

    func description() -> String{
        return "\(title) by \(author). Filed under \(tag.name)"
let hey = Tag(name: "swift")
let firstPost = Post(title: "iOSDevelopment", author: "Apple", tag: hey)
let postDescription = firstPost.description()
7,137 Points

oh okay. Thanks alot!!