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Jonathan Alvarez
Jonathan Alvarez
549 Points

I've hit a huge mental block and I'm no longer understanding the classes. Should I start over?

I was following along with the classes until I did the comparison challenge. I was not able to complete it so I reveled the answer, after that everything stopped making sense and now I don't even think I truly understand any of what I've learned. should I restart from the beginning?

2 Answers

Steven Parker
Steven Parker
229,921 Points

This seems to be nearly a duplicate of your previous question. I'll recap what I said there:

A little break might help — when you come back to it things might make more sense. You might also benefit from some of the answers in this post titled The Wall, and you may also enjoy this episode of The Treehouse Show that features it.

There is also a bonus series on How To Learn that you may find helpful.