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Java Java Objects (Retired) Delivering the MVP Wrapping up

Daniel Schwemmlein
Daniel Schwemmlein
4,960 Points

java objects wrapping up challenge 3/4 got stuck

in task 3 they are asking: about a "ForumPost. It's going to need a constructor that takes a User author a String title and a String description. Don't forget to initialize the member fields in the constructor. Also please add the getter for mDescription." -ok. I know how a constructor works. However, the first sentence confuses me. It says it takes a user author a String title and a String description. When it then says "Don't forget to initialize the member fields" I don't know what to do at all. Can someone please help? Thanks

public class ForumPost {
  private User mAuthor;
  private String mTitle;
  private String mDescription;

  public User getAuthor() {
    return mAuthor;

  public String getTitle() {
    return mTitle;

  // TODO: We need to expose the description
public class User {

      private String mFirstName;  //we make it a String type : TYPE and mSomeName was a hint
      private String mLastName;

  public User(String firstName, String lastName) {
      mFirstName = firstName;  //we are assigning firstName to mFirstName
      mLastName = lastName;   
// TODO:  Set the private fields here

  public String getFirstName() {
           return mFirstName;
 public String getLastName() {
           return mLastName;

public class Forum {
  private String mTopic;

  public String getTopic() {
      return mTopic;

  public Forum(String topic) {
    mTopic = topic;

  public void addPost(ForumPost post) {
      /* When all is ready uncomment this...
      System.out.printf("New post from %s %s about %s.\n",
public class Example {

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    System.out.println("Starting forum example...");
    if (args.length < 2) {
       System.out.println("first and last name are required. eg:  java Example Craig Dennis");
    // Forum forum = new Forum("Java");
    // Take the first two elements passed args
    // User author = new User();
    // Add the author, title and description
    // ForumPost post = new ForumPost();
    // forum.addPost(post);

1 Answer

Oktay Altay
Oktay Altay
2,329 Points

What they mean with initialize the member fields is, Give the member fields a value. The variables that starts with (m) like "mAuthor" are called member fields.

I hope this helps,