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JavaScript AJAX Basics Programming AJAX Processing JSON Data

Joshua Moten
Joshua Moten
2,401 Points

Mixed Content on https://port-80-r15l5vvuup.ecs-production.treehouse-app.net/ exception in browser

For some odd reason my link workshop link is not allowing ajax to work even though everything is on https which is port 443. How do I fix this in the browser and I have hard refreshed and empty the cache but it still not working.

1 Answer

Steven Parker
Steven Parker
230,039 Points

Your code may only access secure resources, but one or more of them might link to an insecure resource; and your browser is likely set to reject mixed content.

On my browser, Chrome (and perhaps some others), you can allow this on a site-specific basis; so I just made an exception for the treehouse workspaces.

Settings :point_right: Privacy and security :point_right: site settings :point_right: Additional content settings :point_right: Insecure content.