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Kris Byrum
Kris Byrum
32,636 Points

Multidem Array

I'm attempting to make an unordered list.

The Line Items for this list are located inside an Array -

    "description" => array(
        "1" => "Testing level 1",
        "2" => "Testing level 2",
        "3" => "Testing level 3"

This array is an item located in another Array -

$experience[1] = array(
    "employer" => "Employer",
    "city" => "City, ST",
    "title" => "Title",
    "description" => array(
        "1" => "Testing level 1",
        "2" => "Testing level 2",
        "3" => "Testing level 3"

I have a function what has two arguments created on my index.php page using a foreach loop -

    function experience_list($exp_id, $exp) {
        $output = "";
        $output = $output . '<div>';
        $output = $output . '<h3>' . $exp['employer'] . '</h3>';
        $output = $output . '<h3>' . $exp['city'] . '</h3>';
        $output = $output . '<h3>' . $exp['title'] . '</h3>';
        $output = $output . '<li>' . foreach($exp['description'] as $duty){echo $duty;} . '</li>';
        $output = $output . '</div>';

        return $output;

I have attempted to use a foreach loop inside this function, create another function globally and use it inside this function, and a few other things.

Could anyone assist me please? I'm attempted to review some of the PHP lessons again as well as some searching online.

Thanks in advance!!!!

1 Answer

Robert Walker
Robert Walker
17,146 Points

Ok so hopefully this works now assuming your $exp is an array to start with like so:

$exp_id = 4;
$exp = array(


    "employer" => "Employer 1",
    "city" => "City, SS 1",
    "title" => "Title 1",
    "description" => array(

          "1" => "Testing level 1",
          "2" => "Testing level 1",
          "3" => "Testing level 1"




    "employer" => "Employer 2",
    "city" => "City, SS 2",
    "title" => "Title 2",
    "description" => array(

            "1" => "Testing level 2",
            "2" => "Testing level 2",
             "3" => "Testing level 2"




var_dump($exp); // testing

function experience_list($exp_id, $exp){

 foreach($exp as $listing){

    $output = '' . $output . '<div>';
    $output = '' . $output . '<h3>' .$listing['employer'] . '</h3>';
    $output = '' . $output . '<h3>' .$listing['city'] . '</h3>';
    $output = '' . $output . '<h3>' .$listing['title'] . '</h3>';
    $output = '' . $output . '<ul>';

         foreach($listing['description'] as $duty){

           $output = '' . $output . '<li>' . $duty . '</li>';

    $output = '' . $output . '</ul>';
    $output = '' . $output . '</div>';


  return $output;


  $result =  experience_list($exp_id, $exp);
  echo $result;

Which (tested) outputs:

<div><h3>Employer 1</h3><h3>City, SS 1</h3><h3>Title 1</h3><ul><li>Testing level 1</li><li>Testing level 1</li><li>Testing level 1</li></ul></div>

<div><h3>Employer 2</h3><h3>City, SS 2</h3><h3>Title 2</h3><ul><li>Testing level 2</li><li>Testing level 2</li><li>Testing level 2</li></ul></div>
Robert Walker
Robert Walker
17,146 Points

To be honest though I would just do this directly into the index page instead:

foreach($exp as $listing){

echo '<div>';
echo '<h3>' . $listing['employer'] . '</h3>';
echo '<h3>' . $listing['city'] . '</h3>';
echo '<h3>' . $listing['title'] . '</h3>';
echo '<ul>';
    foreach($listing['description'] as $duty){

      echo '<li>' .$duty . '</li>';
  echo '</ul>';
  echo '</div>';