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HTML How to Make a Website Responsive Web Design and Testing Adjust the Profile Page and Header

Kelvin Chavez
Kelvin Chavez
932 Points

My header looks great for the mobile but when I expand towards pc size the header disappears.

Sorry here is a snapshot of my code : https://w.trhou.se/p3javpjn96

Steven Parker
Steven Parker
229,921 Points

That's only part of the code. It can be hard to see the issue without the complete project.

You can share everything at once if you make a snapshot of your workspace and provide the link to it.

Kelvin Chavez
Kelvin Chavez
932 Points

I have also never been able to properly float the images in my portfolio. if you could take a look at that as well.

2 Answers

As a 1st step try to remove the float property from line 55 on the following media query: @media screen and (min-width: 660px)


Then do the same to the menu.

I usually avoid the floating elements, as they are great if you want for i.e. content surrounding an element (like a picture), but they could be really tricky in almost every other situation. I prefer inline bloks for general styling that need to share the same horizontal area.

Also your h1 has a weird margin top&bottom of 6px. It generates a white space on the top. I suggest you to put a "margin:0", in that way you'll override the normalize and the user agent (the browser style).