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HTML Introduction to HTML and CSS HTML Fundamentals HTML Structure

mario murales
mario murales
86 Points

my html page did not render correctly, and its deleting the tags as i write a nested funtion

whenever i try to next the "spaguetti carbonara" text it deletes the tag

Travis Alstrand
.a{fill-rule:evenodd;}techdegree seal-36
Travis Alstrand
Data Analysis Techdegree Graduate 47,831 Points

Hey there mario murales ! :wave:

It's hard to tell what's happening without seeing your code. Can you please provide a snapshot of your Workspace?

You can see how to do this in this video at the 5:28 mark. Thank you! :thumbsup:

1 Answer

3,159 Points

Question, mario murales, have you tried hitting the insert key to ensure the insert function is not active? If it is, I have tested that it will overwrite the text behind what you're trying to type instead of pushing that text back & it's very easy to accidentally tap that key.

If you've already found it has stopped doing that (perhaps you restarted your computer, etc) I would test it out to ensure that is not what is happening here. If it is, you'll now know the solution should there be a next time!