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My index.html has become unresponsive. Even if I delete the entire code, save, and press view it doesn't change the site

My main.css is responsive to change but it no longer links back to the index.html. I noticed this in the "take a mobile-first approach" section when my #logo tag I added in index.html would not link back to my main.css. Now anything I change in my index.html (even deleting the entire code) has 0 effect on the refreshed site preview after saving. I feel like this must be a bug, however, does anyone have any suggestions?

2 Answers


1- Check your files first. Make sure they are still in the correct place and named correctly. Make sure your css.main is in the correct place. If you moved it from it's original folder or put it in a different folder then it won't link up.

2- Then go to your HTML and make sure you have named the CSS file correctly in the HEAD section.

3- Clear your CACHE and REFRESH your browser [ctrl R].

4- Try again.

Note: Failing that try posting some code snippets/ screenshots on here to get better help. You can find out how to do this by searching the forum or checking the cheatsheet. :-)

Hi Warren,

I have never deviated from the training video's instructions. I check my work after each section. My main.css which was working yesterday is now ALSO unresponsive to changes in the code. I have not touched a thing since yesterday. Even if I delete the entire code from index.html and main.css and press preview it will not change or show a blank screen like it should. Please take a look at my screenshots and let me know if you see any errors that would cause this issue. Thank you so much.

http://prntscr.com/4grjft http://prntscr.com/4grlc9

I had multiple chrome browsers open with the workbook lol. Working fine now.

Glad you sorted it-good luck!