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Python Python Basics (Retired) Putting the "Fun" Back in "Function" Functions

Now, make a function named summarize that also takes a list. It should return the string "The sum of X is Y.", replacing

im really confused

def add_list(lst) :
  result = 5
  for item in lst:
    result += item
    return result

1 Answer

Chris Freeman
Chris Freeman
Treehouse Moderator 68,423 Points

Task: **Now, make a function named summarize that also takes a list. It should return the string "The sum of X is Y.", replacing X with the list and Y with the list sum.

Your add_list() needs two corrections:

def add_list(lst) :
    result = 0 # <-- initialize to zero
    for item in lst:
        result += item
    return result # <-- outdent outside for for loop

You already have the ability to add a list in your add_list() function. Let's use it in the summarize() function.

def summarize(list):
    X = list
    Y = add_list(list)
    result = "The sum of {} is {}".format(X, Y)
    return result

Or, combining all this lines, it can be compressed to:

def summarize(list):
    return "The sum of {} is {}".format(list, add_list(list))
Stephen Bone
Stephen Bone
12,359 Points

Hi Chris

Good answer, you've been beating me to the python queries all night :)

Just thought I'd mention that add_items(list) should be add_list(list).


Chris Freeman
Chris Freeman
Treehouse Moderator 68,423 Points

Stephen Bone: Thanks for the feedback. I've updated my answer. It's tough keeping ahead of you! Actually, I just have been lucky refreshing in a timely fashion.

andrew pande
andrew pande
1,905 Points

Hi thanks for the answer chris freeman you have just saved from a all lot of frustration!