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General Discussion

Ben Lockett
Ben Lockett
22,419 Points

Offline course

Hi all,

I am going on my annual holiday next week and would love to carry on with my treehouse development while relaxing in the sun! I understand that i can download each video that i would require but this seems very labour intensive. Is there a way that i can download a full course rather than individual lessons?, Also is there any way to access the quiz's and code challenges while offline?

I will struggle for Wifi where I am going so cannot connect to the server.

Thank you for your time reading this


5 Answers

Kevin Gravett
Kevin Gravett
11,167 Points

I was in the same situation recently. I downloaded the Treehouse app for my Ipad and used it. It didn't have a way to get the entire course but it lets you download each video in a way that's really easy compared to going through your Itunes account and whatever else you have to do on a desktop. Just push Download instead of Play. I downloaded about half of an entire course and took it with me on my trip. There wasn't any way to access quizzes or code challenges offline, though. I know this is no help if you don't have an Ipad or other tablet. But if you do, it's worth getting the app. Quite convenient. And free.

Hello Ben,

You can download a complete lesson in one go if you have iTunes installed on your computer. Open up any lesson page and you'll see an iTunes Feed button on the right side of the screen. Use that to download all the videos in a lesson.

As for the quizzes and code challenges, I'm afraid those will have to wait until you have a stable Internet connection again.

Ben Lockett
Ben Lockett
22,419 Points

Hi Kevin & Dino,

Thank you for your answers much appreciated. I have an iPad I will be taking with me. I will try the iTunes solution and sync them, see if that is faster.

Thanks again for your advice


The best answer would be: SKIP THE HOLIDAY :)

There is no better way to relax than Treehouse quiz's and challenges.

I posted about this topic in another thread, albeit a little different. There is a product called Poodle, which is Portable Moodle. Poodle does not require an internet connection. It is designed to be completely portable, with no need for any internet connection at all. Courses can be put on a flash drive, e.g, USB flash drive, thumb drive, memory stick, SD card, etc.

Here is the link to that discussion thread:


Any plans to offer courses in LMSs (Learning Management Systems), i.e., Moodle, etc.? I would love to know more!

In my opinion, the e-learning environment is important today in teaching and learning many subjects, in addition to coding, as expressed in open source LMS (Learning Management System) and VLE (Virtual Learning Environment) software, i.e., Moodle, Poodle, etc.. Is Treehouse planning to help us to implement these e-learning systems?