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Android Build a Simple Android App (retired 2014) Learning the Language Objects and Random Numbers

reginald everett
reginald everett
Courses Plus Student 1,862 Points

on challenge task 4 of 4 I input this info yet it still says im wrong. any suggestions?

Random randomGenerator = new Random(); int randomNumber = randomGenerator.nextInt(10); String = intAsString.toString(randomNumber);

4 Answers

Paul Stevens
Paul Stevens
4,125 Points


I think the problem is with this line of code:

String = intAsString.toString(randomNumber);

First check the spelling of the variable String, I think it might have to be string with a lower case s (not sure), and change the intAsString to Integer, like below:

string = Integer.toString(randomNumber);

Try that and see if it helps,

Paul :)

reginald everett
reginald everett
Courses Plus Student 1,862 Points

Declare a String variable named intAsString. Convert the randomNumber integer to a String value and store it in the intAsString variable. Hint: Use the toString() method of the Integer class. (thats what they told me to do)

(heres my new answer) Random randomGenerator = new Random(); int randomNumber = randomGenerator.nextInt(10); string = Integer.toString(randomNumber);

(here is what they are tellingme the error is) JavaTester.java:83: cannot find symbol symbol : variable string location: class JavaTester string = Integer.toString(randomNumber); ^ JavaTester.java:119: cannot find symbol symbol : variable intAsString location: class JavaTester if (intAsString instanceof String) { ^ 2 errors

Paul Stevens
Paul Stevens
4,125 Points

Ok, I will have a go.

//Declare a String variable named intAsString
String intAsString;

 //Convert the randomNumber integer to a String value and store it in the intAsString variable.
 intAsString = Integer.toString(randomNumber);

Try this. Paul :)

Paul Stevens
Paul Stevens
4,125 Points

Here is the code for the whole challenge. I have checked it and it should work for you.

/*Code from first three parts of the challenge commented out below.
 Random randomGenerator = new Random();
 int randomNumber = randomGenerator.nextInt(10);

 //Declare a String variable named intAsString
 String intAsString;
 //Convert the randomNumber integer to a String value and store it in the intAsString variable.
 intAsString = Integer.toString(randomNumber);
