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iOS Swift 2.0 Basics Swift Operators Working With Operators: Part 2

Valeria Ruiz
Valeria Ruiz
948 Points

operands and if then situations

hi guys, thanks so much for coming to help,

the instructions say declare a constant isWinner as the comparison equation which checks if the answer is 10 or anything but 10. if it is anything but then the player wins, if it is 10 they loose.

I think I need an if then statement, which I don't know how to do on Swift, also, we strictly have to use the operand "!". So I really don't know how to do it.

Please help

// Enter your code below

var initialScore = 8
let totalScore = ++initialScore
initialScore != 10
let isWinner = initialScore

1 Answer

Hi Valeria,

You're kind of right; if the question was asking you to implement the whole game then you would definitely need if-then statements β€”Β among other things β€” to be successful. As it stands, it's just asking you to load the constant isWinner with an expression that evaluates to true or false in accordance with the given parameters. It should look like this:

var initialScore = 8
let totalScore = ++initialScore
let isWinner = totalScore != 10
Valeria Ruiz
Valeria Ruiz
948 Points

Thanks so much!! that helps out a lot!