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Please why i am getting this error from the console. "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'toUpperCase' of null"

// two dimensional array
var setQuestionsAndAnswers = [["What year was 9/11?", "2001"],["What year was Sadam Hussein Killed?", "2006"], ["Who is the 44th President of USA?", "BARACK OBAMA"],["Which year was slavery abolished in USA", "1865"], ["Who invented electricity?","THOMAS  EDISON"], ["What is the tallest mountain in the world?", "EVEREST"]]

// Declared 2 arrays to keep track of questions answered correctly and wrongly
var correctlyAnswered = [];
var wronglyAnswered = [];
var answer = "";

// iterating through the array
  for ( var i = 0; i < setQuestionsAndAnswers.length; i++) {
    answer = prompt(setQuestionsAndAnswers[i][0]);
    answer = answer.toUpperCase(); // im trying to change the "answer" to upper case but it won't let me.

    /** checking if the "answer" is equal to the second index 
    in each of the nested arrays  or not then i add that questions
    to the arrays i declared early respectively" **/
    if ( answer === setQuestionsAndAnswers[i][1]) {
    else if (answer !== setQuestionsAndAnswers[i][1]) {

2 Answers

Vittorio Somaschini
Vittorio Somaschini
33,371 Points

Hello Edwin,

I have tested the code in my browser's javascript console and it worked. I was able to get to the end and I got a score.

I was even able to check the 2 resulting variables with correct and wrong questions stored.


Hello Vitto, It works fine when i run code on safari browser but when i use google chrome with console i get that error. any reason?

Vittorio Somaschini
Vittorio Somaschini
33,371 Points

Well I have used Chrome when I tested it so it may be something in your settings?

Not sure though...