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HTML How to Make a Website Creating HTML Content Use the Navigation Element

Preview Previews Wrong File

I created two index.html files: one that makes Nick Pettit in blue and a second for the Nick Pettit Designer web page project. Every time I hit preview, though, it will only preview the Nick Pettit in blue. I even deleted that file from the workspace, but it still only launches that. How do I preview other files or figure this out? Thanks!

You say you've created two files with the same name in the same directory? How did you do that?

Restarted browser and computer, but the file previewed a bunch of garbled-e-gook. I copied the code, deleted the file, created a new one, pasted code and everything worked fine. Hope this helps someone in the future.

1 Answer

Hi Tad,

Glad you could get it working.
