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Craig Stephenson
Craig Stephenson
2,187 Points

Problems with console and keyboard.

I am using a US International Apple keyboard and have found that the single and double quote characters (i.e. ' and ") do not appear in the Treehouse console. This problem only occurs in the Treehouse console, I am able to type and see them in the Treehouse editor as clearly I am also able to here! (I have no problem typing any of the other keyboard characters in the Treehouse console.) What is going wrong and how can I fix it?

3 Answers

Craig Stephenson
Craig Stephenson
2,187 Points

This has now been answered and resolved by help@teamtreehouse.com. Treehouse Workspaces do not support non-US keyboards. The solution--it appears to work fine for me with a US International keyboard--is simply to set the keyboard equal to "US" as opposed to "US International - PC".

Steven Parker
Steven Parker
230,039 Points

I don't have one of those, but I found an article that said to make quotes appear using one, you type the quote key and then a space.

Apparently the space won't appear itself, but it makes the quote show up. How curious! But give that a try.

Another article suggests you might be able to create a custom keyboard layout to alter the behavior (and make it more intuitive!).

Craig Stephenson
Craig Stephenson
2,187 Points

Thanks Steven for attempting to answer my question, but no that does not work. Nothing appears even if I hit the space bar immediately afterwards. Note that I have no problem typing a ' or a " in any other window, including the Treehouse editor. It just does not work in the Treehouse console!

P.S. I am also aware that when following a single quote ' with a vowel, I have to hit the space bar first to avoid putting an accent on the letter, such as รฉ. This is not the problem I am describing.