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Carson Clark
Carson Clark
2,159 Points

Red Highlighting - Any way to disable it?

Hello all, I'm new to Treehouse and I'm really enjoying it so far. However, there is one feature in workspace that I'd like to disable if at all possible. Below I've linked an image to show you exactly what I'd like gone.


Do you see all of the red highlighted words? I'd like to get rid of it so that never happens again. I don't like the red as it's distracting and somewhat annoying IMO.

Any advice will be appreciated

Thanks Carson

2 Answers

I don't think you can remove the Autocomplete option, Try to use simple code Editor line notepad++.

You can get it via this link http://notepad-plus-plus.org/

James Barnett
James Barnett
39,199 Points

It's letting you know you forgot to close a tag. In your case it looks like <a hrefPortfolio

Carson Clark
Carson Clark
2,159 Points

Yeah I know, however I find the redness very distracting and I was just wondering if there is a way to disable it.

Carson Clark
Carson Clark
2,159 Points

Yeah I know, however I find the redness very distracting and I was just wondering if there is a way to disable it.