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JavaScript JavaScript Basics (Retired) Introducing JavaScript Write Another Program

Srdjan Cestic
Srdjan Cestic
6,855 Points

Script and alert tag

Why my code didn't pass challenge?

2 Answers

Sergey Podgornyy
Sergey Podgornyy
20,660 Points

It should looks like:

<script>alert('Hello world');</script>

JavaScript-scenario should be always inside script tag

Sergey Podgornyy
Sergey Podgornyy
20,660 Points

can you post your code here?

Srdjan Cestic
Srdjan Cestic
6,855 Points

Thanks Sergey for help! Now it works!

This was my code : <script src="script.js"> alert("Warning!"); <script>

I don't know why I put src="script.js", there was problem, because I watched in previous video that instructor write that and maybe I think that is solution. Just not thinking...

Thanks again

Sergey Podgornyy
Sergey Podgornyy
20,660 Points

Notice, that JavaScript-scenario should be always inside script tag, or in separate file, with including it on page using <script src="your_file.js"></script>