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PHP Building Websites with PHP Dependency Management Introducing Composer

So what should I have installed to build a php website?

I going through the php track and I love how similar php is to javascript. Really feel like I have a jumpstart to the language itself. Now, I am starting the build a php website course and he is talking about installing Composer but should I have anything else installed? I ran the basic (and I mean bare minimum) install for Apache and php but would I need anything else? I am eager to learn and utilize php more so but would love to know what would best serve me when starting in php development. Any pointers are welcome!

3 Answers

well MAMP will do EVERYTHING for you lol basically MAMP stands for Mac, Apache, MySql, PHP . so you can get to run both apache and mysql at the same time, and it helps your mac to run as a server so that you can test your sites.

great choice joining php ! as long as you install Mamp (for mac) or Wamp (for windows) or Xamp (for linux) you're good to go ! those packages englobe all of the php needs to compile your code

Awesome! Ok, another newby php question. What will MAMP do for me? Like I said, I set up the Apache and php but literally just activated both of them. I have heard about MAMP and MySQL but I wasn't sure if I should install those as well. All in all, I am just curious on what MAMP would do and how would I interact with it. Thanks Ramiro!

Oh wow, just looked up MAMP. Didn't realize it was it's own stand alone entity lol. I was going and trying to navigate through terminal to get everything working but it seems like they really made it much easier to do this through MAMP huh? Thank you a lot for the insights!