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CSS Enhancing Design with CSS Styling Text Importing Fonts

Thomas Pool
Thomas Pool
Courses Plus Student 1,665 Points

The H3 font size in 1.25rem. The HTML is 1.25em. Should both text sizes equal 20px? H3 in chrome is 25px

When inspecting the H3 element in chrome, the font-size is showing at 25px. The font-size declaration within the H3 selector is 1.25rem - Which to my understanding is relative to the root element, being the HTML selector? Which is 1.25 em (20px).

If they're both 1.25, then how come the H3 is 25px and not 20px?

2 Answers

Travis Alstrand
.a{fill-rule:evenodd;}techdegree seal-36
Travis Alstrand
Data Analysis Techdegree Graduate 47,831 Points

Hey Thomas Pool ! :wave:

If the <html> element's font size is set using em, its computed value will be based on the default font size of the browser, which is typically 16px.

Setting the <html> element to 1.25em means the root font size is 16px * 1.25 = 20px.

Setting the H3 element to 1.25 rem means it will be 1.25 * 20px = 25px, as rem units are based on the root element's computed font size.

I hope this helps and makes sense!