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HTML How to Make a Website Creating HTML Content Add Social Media Links

When linking a website like facebook or teamtreehouse, do we always use an absolute URL? Would a relative URL even work?

Example: Always this (absolute URL): <a href="http://www.facebook.com"> or is it also possible to do this (relative URL): <a href="facebook.com">

If both can be used, which is better?

1 Answer

Steven Parker
Steven Parker
229,980 Points

Your second URL would not reference another site, it would look for a file named "facebook.com" on the current site.

Now you don't always have to specify the protocol (though it is typically done), but you do need to prefix your URL with two slashes to indicate it is another site and not just a file or folder on your own site.

Best practice is to use the full URL (with protocol) when referencing anything not on your own site.